When it comes to gadgets and other techie items, it seems as if the sky is the limit with innovation and style. Each passing year brings with it a whole slew of new and cool gadgets that are friendly and accessible both to aficionados and tech newbies alike. Read on for our top 5 coolest gadgets that will surely make your 2019 to a new level of happening!

1. Tile Trackers “Where are my keys?!” Make that phrase history by adding a tile tracker such as Tile Pro to your key ring. Next time those annoying keys go out of sight, use the Tile app on your phone to click and find your keys in a matter of minutes. This app also works the other way; if you have the tile in hand, you can just as easily locate your phone instead of wasting time searching your house or rummaging through your bags!

2. The Kikerland Sound Pebble Tired of your speakers ruining the natural or Zen look of your living space? Change all of that with a new ambient sound system such as the Kikerland Sound Pebble, available now on Amazon. This cute mood setting sound tool resembles a rock and is preprogrammed with nature sounds and an ambient noise setting. You can set it down in your indoor garden set up or atop your desk, and your guests will not be any the wiser. Just make sure not to lose this little rock when in the middle of cleaning up!

3. The Philips Somneo Sleep & Wake-Up Light Lamp Banish rainy day sadness (yes, Seasonal Affective Disorder is really a thing even in the tropics, especially during the shorter days of the “ber-months”), with the help of this cute light lamp. This light therapy gadget mimics the daily sun cycle, which will help get your body clock back into a more natural rhythm, helping make you more energetic and well-rested each day. This lamp can also be programmed with sound options to help you drift off to sleep and then slowly wake up to the music or background noise of your choice. This gadget is also ideal for restless sleepers, or those who simply like to pamper themselves at the start or the end of the day.

4. Click & Grow Smart Garden 9 Indoor Planter For healthy living it isn’t enough to stop at work-life integration; nowadays work-life-nature integration is the way to go! Bring some green back into your home (and your life) with this nifty little planter that allows you to have an herb garden in the comfort of your kitchen or living room. This sleek box comes preloaded with 3 seed capsules and comes equipped with an LED light to help give the plants the energy needed to grow, even on bleak and sunless days. Just add water and plug in to get started with indoor gardening! An added plus is that this planter is portable, making it easy to move during general cleaning days. Its “smart soil” also eliminates the need for frequent and messy clean up of potted soil or run-off, making this planter perfect for your no-fuss gardening projects.

5. KitchenAid Cook Processor Connect Make cooking as easy as putting stuff in a pot with the new KitchenAid Cook Processor Connect gizmo by KitchenAid. This pot does everything for you: it chops, it sautes, it measures the weight of your food, and even works with dough! No more long hours bent over the chopping board or fiddling with a scale for you! This nifty gadget also comes with recipes that can be easily accessed through your phone, just to help the cooking process along and add variety to your culinary repertoire. With this, even the kitchen-phobic need not fear cooking and can start out with their gourmet dreams.
All of these gadgets would make great gifts for the special people in your life, as well as handy investments for your personal wellbeing. Most of them are already available on platforms such as Amazon, or through online retailers. With a few clicks, you can avail of these gadgets and get started with sprucing up your 2019. Enjoy!