Once in a while, I try to give myself time usually weekends on a Saturday to splurge on Buffet Meals, I had lunch at Zabs Buffet – this building establishment where Zabs Buffet is staying was recently occupied by Chippens Buffet Restaurant – they moved to a new location right across the street.
Entering the place and you’ll see a cooking station at the center few steps away from the entrance – you can ask the chef to cook a meal of your choice – like pasta and sautéed sizzling shrimp in garlic, all ingredients are all line-up ready for cooking so there’s no need to hassle or haggle around what to eat.
You’ll also see at the left corner there are food line-ups, Cream Dory, Chicken, Seafood Paella, Beef Broccoli, Salad and Sushi Bar.
For desserts try their Banana Crepe
and Ice Cream!
When you dine at Zabs Buffet you’ll get (1) free iced tea for only Php 329.00, you’ll never go hungry.
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Zabs Buffet Restaurant is located at Paseo de Roxas, Davao City, (082) 221 4643, (0929) 920 9784.
Visit them at http://www.zabsbuffet.com or like them at Facebook
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