Spinach Red Pepper Frittata recipe
The Spinach Red Pepper Frittata recipe ingredients below are from the Regional Recipe Development Contest in connection with the 2012 Nutrition Month Celebration in cooperation with the National Nutrition Council XI.
- 1 bundle spinach, Php 25.00
- 6 pcs. red bell pepper, Php 12.00
- 2 pcs. chilies, Php Php 3.00
- 5 pcs. eggs, Php 30.00
- 6 pcs. okra, Php 13.00
- 1 sachet cooking oil, Php 3.00
- 1/2 teaspoon salt Php 1.00
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper Php 1.00
Total: Php 85.00
- wash the vegetables and the equipment to be used.
- prepared and cut the vegetables.
- ready and beat the egg and season with salt.
- in a hot pan put a small amount of cooking oil and saute the vegetables add salt and pepper to taste.
- add the beaten eggs and make it a pizza like shape.
- then serve.
More photos of Spinach Red Pepper Frittata Recipe right [here]
National Nutrition Council XI