By accident I ate a small piece of deep fried chicken it looks like it was cooked buttered style. I humbly seek divine providence from heaven’s above.
But then, I managed to eat only Blue Marlin, Kinilaw, Shellfish and Sawsawan made up of sliced tomatoes, red onion bulb and soy sauce.
Kinilaw was prepared in sliced cucumbers, union bulbs, ginger, vinegar.
Fresh water shellfish, I forgot what the locals calls this. You’ll need a safety pin, you can also improvise by using the thorns of calamansi or pomelo citrus fruits to poke the flesh out.
Flying Fish Bulad, a unique dried fish of Banganga, Davao Oriental, so far the first time I’ve ever tried eating it. It’s not too salty, just right to keep hypertension on bay.
I would like to thank and acknowledge the following person/s for hosting our stay and serving us great meals!
Hon. Anna Cheryl Nuñez
Luz Quiñones
Yvette Anne Hernandez Flores
yummy fried fish :))