Do you like chocolates? I do! Chocolates from all over the world!
Don’t worry they’re already here in Davao City and it’s in Abreeza Mall, and it’s called Chocolatier.
I thought chocolates are supposed to be sweet, there’s this dark and chili flavor from Lindt, if you want a mild version try Chocolat au Lait, milk chocolate, Lait Noisettes from Switzerland.
You can also choose any from these choices [here]
[cetsEmbedGmap src=,+J.P.+Laurel+Avenue,+Davao+City,+Davao+Region,+Philippines&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.130288,56.513672&oq=davao+city+abreeza+mall&t=h&hq=abreeza+mall+davao&hnear=J.P.+Laurel+Ave,+Davao+City,+Davao+del+Sur,+Davao+Region,+Philippines&start=0&z=15&iwloc=A width=553 height=369 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]
OMG!! chocolates = my weakness! <3
try the dark one.. ^_^ it’sexy hot