Post-pandemic, most of the people are getting back to their new normal. It also includes people gathering for parties and events. Though the parties aren’t as crowded as they used to be before, the businesses are getting enough scope to stand back on their feet.

However, the competition has grown immensely since many people have changed their profession to catering. This major shift is because of the layoffs everyone faced during the pandemic. It has led to the opening of many startups.
So how to manage with the competition and find the leads? Here are some tips that can help.
Reiterate your contacts
Remarketing and retargeting are great ways to get back to old and lost contacts. Remarketing helps in focusing on the customers that have visited your website once or twice. Retargeting means getting in touch with those old customers who had one successful deal or were in just the sales funnel.
You can also find new contacts and initiate conversations and create new leads. But, how to find someone’s email, you ask? The answer is It is an AI-powered website that can access millions of professional’s emails. With this freemium website, you find emails within just a matter of seconds. is more efficient and effective than any other website.
Leverage Social media
Another great way to get to know your audience and target them accordingly is by having an online presence. The extent of social media’s strength is inexplicable. The outreach one can have is massive, and the content you create can reach a different section of the audience.
Social media engagement doesn’t just mean posting your content out there and using hashtags but listening to what the audience has to say. Considering their opinions makes the audience feel appreciated and valued. It will result in improving the business. Ask questions and set polls to engage with the audience.
Contact the complementary businesses
Get in touch with other business owners that are corresponding to yours and propose a partnership. For example, catering businesses, real estate businesses, and event management groups act as complementary to each other. It is obvious you’d find one business in the presence of the other.
Create a list of the companies that you’d want to partner with and arrange a meeting with them. It is unlikely that there would be any rejection. In times like these, where everyone is trying to build from scratch, all the businesses must look out for each other for mutual growth.
The tasting event and word of mouth
Organize a tasting event and invite all the prospects from the neighborhood. Ensure you take great photographs and also videos. Use the same content to upload online and engage with the online audience. The event will create a buzz not only online but also offline.
Do not underestimate the power of word of mouth. When the event goes successful and the people find your food and service appreciable, they will recommend it to their near and dear. It is the word of mouth that does more of the public than any other means of communication.